Bee Love Beekeeping Podcast

Beekeeping in Hawaii - Honey Bee News, Tips & (not) Jeff Foxworthy

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About the Podcast:

Bee Love Beekeeping podcast is for everyone who loves honey bees! Hobby Beekeepers, Sideline Beekeepers, Commercial Beekeepers, Wanna-Bee Beekeepers, or anyone who is planting flowers and other native plants to support honey bees and other pollinators. Bee Love Beekeeping podcast includes interviews with real beekeepers, the latest news on honey bees and beekeeping, the newest gadgets and beekeeping inventions, plus fun stories about crazy things that happen in the bee yard. Hosted by Eric Bennett, Bee Love is a fun, informative way to connect with other honey bee lovers.

About the Episode:

In this episode we are going all the way to Hawaii to meet with beekeeper Jasmine Joy.

Jasmine has been a beekeeper for 13 years and spends most of her time doing swarm removals and teaching classes. She is a treatment-free beekeeper and has advice on how they control Varroa and SHB.

The not real Jeff Foxworthy is back with more reasons why "you might be a beekeeper!"

We also have beekeeping news, the tip-of-the-day, and a question for all to respond to.

Please follow this episode and share it with a friend!


2024 Fall/Winter Events


Keiki World Bee Day