Podcast: Beekeeper Confidential with Mandy Shaw

July 10, 2019 | Originally posted at Beekeeper Confidential Podcast

Today’s guest is a passionate educator, bee removal expert, and bee priestess. Since 2012, Beelieve Hawaii’s founder Jasmine Joy has been sharing her love and compassion for bees and pollinators through saving bee colonies from extermination, developing habitat restoration, and creating a sacred space for children to come and learn and explore the world of bees. Her contributions to the bee community are profoundly beautiful and significant and it was such a delight to spend an evening cozied up in my studio with a glass of prosecco listening to her wisdom and enjoying the surprise thunderstorm that moved over during our conversation. I completely adore her!

Listen here:

Jasmine Joy

Creatress of Beelieve Hawaii


Radicalize the Hive - Jasmine Joy: The Mindfulness of Beekeeping


SheGo - Wahine in Beekeeping